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成满平,1992年出生,工学博士。2015年获海南大学农业机械化及其自动化专业学士学位, 2022年获湖南大学机械工程专业工学博士学位,2022年进入569vip威尼斯游戏工作。主要从事激光增材制造、激光增材修复、激光表面改性等方面的工作,参与国家级项目2项,在国内外知名学术刊物上发表相关论文10余篇。


1. 国家自然科学基金委员会,面上项目,51875190,准连续激光动态调控梯度纽织的机理研究与同质异性功能构件定制,2019/01-2022/12 66万元,资助期满,参与。

2. 国家自然科学基金委员会,青年科学基金项目,11702089,异种金属高速冲击固相连接过程的近场动力学数值模拟方法研究,2018/01-2020/12, 24万元, 已结题,参与。


[1] Manping Cheng, Xianfeng Xiao, Guoyun Luo and Lijun Song. Integrated control of molten pool morphology and solidification texture by adjusting pulse duration in laser additive manufacturing of Inconel 718. Optics & Laser Technology, 2021, 142: 107137.

[2] Manping Cheng, Guoyun Luo, Xianfeng Xiao and Lijun Song. Microstructure evolution of pulsed laser melting 2219 aluminum alloy: Solidification modes and inter-pulse thermal cycles. Materials Letters, 2022, 323: 131768.

[3] Manping Cheng, Xianfeng Xiao, Guoyun Luo, Simeng Li and Lijun Song. Effect of laser intensity profile on the microstructure and texture of Inconel 718 superalloy fabricated by direct energy deposition. Journal of Materials Research and Technology, 2022, 18: 2001-2012. (SCI, 二区)

[4] Manping Cheng, Guoyun Luo, Xianfeng Xiao and Lijun Song. Effect of molten pool spatial arrangement on texture evolution in pulsed laser additive manufacturing of Inconel 718. 2022, Materials, 15: 3286.

[5] Guoyun Luo, Manping Cheng, Longzhi Zhao, Yanchuan Tang, Jianhua Yao, Hailong Cui and Lijun Song. Preferential interdendritic oxidation of laser additively manufactured Inconel 718. Corrosion Science, 2021, 179: 109144.

[6] Hui Xiao, Manping Cheng and Lijun Song. Direct fabrication of single-crystal-like structure using quasi-continuous-wave laser additive manufacturing. Journal of Materials Science & Technology, 2021, 60: 216-221.

[7] Guoyun Luo, Manping Cheng, Chenghuan Liu, Simeng Li, Xiaogang Wang and Lijun Song. Improving mechanical properties of quasi-continuous-wave laser beam welded 7075 aluminum alloy through microstructural refinement and homogenization of the fusion zone. Optics & Laser Technology, 2021, 153: 108221.

[8] Hui Xiao, Xie Pan, Manping Cheng and Lijun Song. Enhancing mechanical properties of quasi-continuous-wave laser additive manufactured Inconel 718 through controlling the niobium-rich precipitates. Additive Manufacturing, 2021, 34: 101278.

[9] Xianfeng Xiao, Xingbo Liu, Manping Cheng and Lijun Song. Towards monitoring laser welding process via a coaxial pyrometer. Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 2020, 277: 116409.

[10] Zhou Yan, Ke Zou, Manping Cheng, Zhipeng Zhou, and Lijun Song. Revealing relationships between heterogeneous microstructure and strengthening mechanism of austenitic stainless steels fabricated by directed energy deposition (DED). Journal of Materials Research and Technology, 2021, 15: 582-594.

[11] 付艳恕, 卢聪, 叶小军, 肖先锋, 成满平, 宋立军. 激光材料加工熔池流动行为实验研究进展, 机械工程学报, 2023,59(05): 291-306.


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