Sense Analyze Response Systems —Applying the SARS Paradigm for Agriculture
学术活动承办单位 |
电气与信息工程学院和国际教育学院 |
学术报告(讲座)内容 |
Sense Analyze Response Systems _ Applying the SARS Paradigm for Agriculture |
报告人姓名 |
Richard Voyles |
报告人所在单位 |
Purdue University
报告人职称/职务及学术头衔 |
学术报告时间 |
December 5, 2018, 2:30 p.m(2018.12.5 14:30) |
学术报告地点 |
教学大楼12楼报告厅 |
主讲嘉宾简介 |
Richard Voyles has been professor, CEO, research scientist, consultant, program director, manufacturing engineer, board member, assistant director, associate dean for research, paper boy. He has taught researched at Purdue University, University of Minnesota, University of Denver, driven policy programs at the White House Office of Science Technology Policy, founded ran multi-agency programs at the National Science Foundation, developed manufacturing systems for IBM, fathered four daughters with STEM degrees.
As an engineer, he has integrated robotic systems into manufacturing lines for international conglomerates, military agencies, four-person firms. As a scientist he has pioneered the fields of precision animal agriculture, the natural human-centric AI paradigm of Gesture-Based Programming, disaster robotics, robotic meta-materials. As a government program director, he established ran the National Robotics Initiative (NRI) co-founded the Innovation Corps. As a scientist he contributed to the OSTP NRI Roadmap the DOE Robotics Roadmap. As a futurist he is inventing ways to automate the home kitchen, revolutionize animal agriculture, create liquids that think.
Specialties: Engineering design, real-time systems, embedded systems, programming, robotics, mechatronics, Internet of Things (IoT), Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS), smart kitchen